THRC Student Membership Purchase and Renewal
Contact Information
First Name
Last Name
Home Address
Postal Code
Home Phone Number
Cell Phone Number
Email Address
THRC Membership Information
How did you hear about THRC?
Please select...
Social Media
Word of mouth
If other, please specify
I agree that THRC may use this email address to contact me for renewals, information sharing, events, current issues, professional learning, late fines and overdue reminders, if applicable. I may unsubscribe at any time.
Upload a photo of your valid Student ID
File types accepted: JPG, PNG, PDF. 4MB maximum file size.
Workplace Information (if applicable)
Name of Workplace
Work Address
Postal Code
Phone Number
Liability Statements
I understand that I am responsible for any information borrowed from The Halton Resource Connection.
I understand that I am responsible for returning equipment to The Halton Resource Connection in the same condition that it was borrowed
I understand that I am financially responsible for damage done to equipment or fines incurred on overdue items. In the case of outstanding fees/fines I will pay in person or provide credit card information.
I understand that The Halton Resource Connection accepts no responsibility for injury caused by equipment borrowed.
Payment Information
THRC Annual Membership Type
Please select...
1 Year Student Membership (New Membership) - $15
1 Year Student Membership (Renewal) - $15
Your credit card will be charged this amount
Name on Card
Billing Email
Card Number
CVV Code
Expiry Month
Expiry Year
Contact Information