Submit a Request for a Pedagogical Mentor
Referral Made By
Please select...
Program Support Consultant
Resource Consultant
Self-Referral - Owner
Self-Referral - Director
Self-Referral - Supervisor
Self-Referral - Educator
Request Type
Please select...
Side-by-Side Mentor
Professional Learning
Professional Learning Details
What Type of Professional Learning are you interested in?
Please select...
In-Person Session
Self-Directed Learning
Physical Resources
I'm Not Sure
Professional Learning Category
Please select...
Leadership and Operational Practices
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging
Curriculum Supports and Program Practices
Mental Health and Well-Being
What Type of Resources are you interested in?
Please select...
Physical Resources
Self-Directed Learning
Referrer Information
Provide some contact information about yourself, as the person who is making the refferal.
Referrer First Name
Referrer Last Name
Referrer Email
Centre Contact Information
Provide some information about the Centre
you are requesting support for,
and the
Primary Contact for the centre.
If this is a self-referral, we recommend using yourself as the Primary Contact.
Centre Name
Please be specific if your organization has multiple locations.
Program Type
Please select...
Licensed Child Care (Centre Based)
Licensed Home Child Care
Licensed School Age Program
Nursery School
Recreation and Leisure
What type of program are you requesting support for?
Classroom Name
What classroom are you requesting support for?
Centre Address
Please select...
Primary Contact First Name
Primary Contact Last Name
Primary Contact Email
Please select the role that best applies to the Primary Contact
Please select...
Licensed Child Care Staff
EarlyON Staff
Support Staff (Cooks, Admins, Supply Staff, Etc..)
School Board Staff
Licensed Home Child Care Staff
Licensed School Age Program
Request Details
Why you are requesting Pedagogical Mentoring
Please tell us some details about your request
Which of the following areas of support are related to your request?
Planning and Creating Environments
Responsive Adult-Child Relationships
On-boarding Support (Supporting New Grads)
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
How Does Learning Happen?
Select all that apply
Contact Information