THRC Inventory List
Select a category and resource to view detailed information about the chosen resource.
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Curriculum Supports & Program Practices - STEAM
Curriculum Supports & Program Practices - Literacy
Curriculum Supports & Program Practices - Book Bags
Curriculum Supports & Program Practices - Puppets
DEIB - Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging
DEIB - Montessori
Leadership & Operational Practices - Professional Resources
Mental Health & Well Being - Mental Health and Wellness
Mental Health & Well Being - Self-Regulation
Resource Name
If you can't find a specific resource, it may be unavailable or on hold at this time.
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Resource Location
Items Included (if more than 1)
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Inventory ID
Please Note:
Clicking the "Request This Resource" button will notify THRC staff that you are interested in in reserving this resource. Staff will review your request and follow up with you by email to arrange pick-up.
Members are able to request a Maximum of 3 Resources.
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